How to Play
Welcome to Gengly, the Pokémon Grid Game! The goal is to fill
each cell with a valid Pokémon based on the categories listed
for each row and column.
- Click on a cell to open the search bar.
- Type the name of a Pokémon in the search bar.
Select a Pokémon from the search results that
matches both the row and column categories for that cell.
If you guess incorrectly, the cell will be marked in red, and
you can try again.
You have a limited number of moves (guesses). The game ends
when you run out of moves.
Click the undo button to undo your last incorrect answer. Can be
used once only.
* IMPORTANT: Only Gen 1 Pokémon are currently supported.
This means pre and post evolutions introduced in later
generations are not considered (eg Pichu, Crobat etc).
Good luck, and have fun!